From December 6 to 8, 2022 in Abidjan, Canal France Internationale (CFI) in partnership with
Radio France Internationale (RFI) organized a seminar for the regional launch of the
TERRA AFRICA project, a project executed by CFI over two (2) years and co-financed by the
Fonds de Solidarité pour les projets Innovants (FSPI) of the French Ministry of Europe and
Foreign Affairs.
This official launch follows a call for applications that took place from July to
November 2022 in order to select 4 media (press, television, radio, online site) per targeted
online) per targeted country, namely Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Conakry, Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau and Senegal.
TERRA AFRICA should enable these media to integrate the treatment of environmental news in their
environmental news in their editorial line and to strengthen and improve their media coverage
their media coverage of issues related to climate change and finally to
become standard bearers in the fight against climate change in their country.
After the solemn speeches of the Director of Cabinet of the Minister of Environment and
Development of Côte d’Ivoire, the representative of the Ambassador of France in Côte d’Ivoire and
Côte d’Ivoire and Mr. Alan Dreanic, DGA of CFI, the seminar started.
For three (3) days, journalists who are beneficiaries of the TERRA AFRICA project but also
scientists, civil society organizations and representatives of communities affected by the effects of climate change
impacted by the effects of climate change benefited from a framework of exchange
sharing of experiences and knowledge. Ms. Régine Dietrich,
CFI project manager, reminded us during her presentation that the aim is to strengthen the
capacities in environmental journalism, to equip them to appropriate the stakes of
climate change issues so that they can participate in the development of an environmental citizenship
environmental citizenship and encourage them to value the adaptation strategies of
communities and eco-responsible initiatives.
Multidisciplinary panels were held on the theme of “Climate emergency
challenges in Africa”, capacity building workshops on environmental fact-checking and
on environmental fact-checking and the fight against climate change and on the theme of
the use of open-data to fight climate change, presentations on the guide to
presentations on the guide to environmental investigative journalism produced by the Global
Investigative Journalism Network, as well as ways to finance green media.
media. In addition to the great networking between these different media that this meeting has
that this meeting allowed, everything was implemented to equip the selected journalists so that this initiative
initiative to be a success. Terra Africa has been designed and will be implemented from April 2022 to
April 2024.