
Sustainable development innovations: Next changeNow Summit in Paris in May 2023

Paris – France

Collaboration between entrepreneurs, civil society, policy makers and large companies is enabling new opportunities to emerge and invest in the innovative solutions we need for the transition to a more sustainable world.

Global warming, biodiversity loss, finite resources – the challenges we face are vast, and it’s time to come together and innovate to solve these issues. ChangeNow was born in 2017 from this desire.

ChangeNOW 2023 will therefore aim, as in previous years, to bring together innovative solutions and actors of change to act together. From Thursday 25 May to Saturday 27 May 2023, the 6th edition of this event will take place.

Entrepreneurs, investors, decision-makers and partners will take advantage of this opportunity to exchange on the challenges and issues of sustainable development. ChangeNOW seeks to build bridges between entrepreneurs, business leaders and policy makers to accelerate change.

With nearly 1,000 concrete actions, 400 speakers, 120 countries, 1,200 investors, gathered during 3 days, ChangeNOW is known as the world’s largest event on solutions for the planet.

The 2022 edition took place from 19 to 21 May 2022 in person and online

At the Grand Palais Ephémère (Paris VIIe), it was an opportunity to highlight the textile industry players who are mobilising to respond to environmental issues. In 2022, the partners included luxury giants Kering and LVMH, as well as the multinational company that owns Louis Vuitton, which offered events focusing on their commitment to the circular economy. The Red Cross, Unicef, Unesco, Agi Veres (United Nations Development Programme), and ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie) were also represented.

The next edition in May 2023 will focus on biodiversity and sustainable cities. In addition to discovering innovative projects for a greener planet, there will be conferences on cities in transition, a programme attended by some thirty mayors, including those of Paris, Dublin, Brussels, Essen, Lahti, Budapest, Suresnes, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Rome, Porto-Novo, Muhanga, Nicosia, Rubavu, Terrebone, Carthage, Villeurbanne, Chefchaouen, Quelimane, Nicosia, Rzeszów, Turin and Kingston.

For the biodiversity theme, it will be a question of the protection of protected areas or the financing of initiatives necessary for the implementation of the decisions taken at the Montreal summit at the end of 2022. In addition, the round tables will also include the essential role of indigenous peoples in the protection of biodiversity. A more than tempting programme awaits the participants of this summit.

Some of the personalities invited to ChangeNow23 :

Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-Chair of the Club of Rome

Matthieu Ricard, founder of Karuna-Schechen.

Timothée Parrique, doctor in economics and specialist in degrowth,

Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition

François Gabart, Founder of MerConcept,

Kate Raworth, economist at the Doughnut Economics Action Lab,

Omnia El Omrani, Youth Envoy for the COP27 Presidency and

Adenike Oladosu, Climate and Water activist.

Sources official website :

Join changeNOW 2023 – ChangeNOW


the online magazine

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